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The Latest Update on the Depot Street Bridge Project

On Tuesday, April 30, the Vermont Agency of Transportation presented the Rockingham/Bellows Falls/Saxtons River Tri-Board with an update on its plans for replacing the 100-year-old concrete bridge connecting Canal Street and the Island.

The presentation can be viewed in its entirety on Fact TV here. The update gets underway at the 24-minute mark and wraps up about 40 minutes later.

Among the several items covered are:

  • A proposed design for the railing and inset panels on the new vehicular bridge to be constructed at the north end of Canal Street. Starts at 25:30.

  • An inventory of trees and shrubs to be removed from the Island parking lot during construction and a draft planting plan for their replacement for the Town's consideration. Starts at 29:45.

  • A breakdown of the potential cost to the Town of Rockingham for removing and disposing of contaminated soils from the Island during construction and possibilities for reducing that cost. Starts at 39:50.

  • A brief review of the design of the new pedestrian bridge and discussion of lighting options for both the vehicular and pedestrian bridges for the Town's consideration. Starts at 47:00.

  • A review of the current construction schedule, from May-June 2024 electrical inspections through the April-October 2029 removal of the existing concrete arch bridge over the canal. Starts at 56:11. We've included the current schedule below for your ease of reference.

Thank you to those who were able to attend the project update in person and to the many Bellows Falls residents who have welcomed us into their homes and businesses during the past several months. As always, please let us know if you have questions or concerns that we can answer.

Jim Gish

Depot Street Bridge Project Community Liaison

Betsy Thurston

Executive Director, Bellows Falls Downtown Development Alliance


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